Image for Cornhole Team Names

750+ Ultimate Cornhole Team Names for Fun and Competitive Play

If you are preparing for a cornhole tournament or tossing beanbags around with your friends at the get-together, one thing is sure – having a funny team name or creativity makes the game way more enjoyable. A name can say much about a particular group, so why not make it fun and memorable?

We catered a comprehensive list that covers everything from funny and clever to motivational and creative, which can be further used in cornhole tournaments to boost your team name. These names can also be used to gain motivation and inspiration. Whatever it is, we have everyone covered.

Best Names:

If you’re looking for universally great team names, these top picks are sure to be crowd-pleasers. They strike a balance between funny, clever, and catchy:

  1. Cornstars
  2. Holy Baggers
  3. Kernels of Truth
  4. Slingin’ Bags
  5. Bags to Riches
  6. Maize Runners
  7. Popcorn Slingers
  8. Hole in Won
  9. Board Meeting
  10. Corn to Win
  11. The Bagginators
  12. Sling Kings
  13. The Squash Squad
  14. Victorious Secret
  15. Board Lords
  16. Unicornholes
  17. The Corn Fritters
  18. Huskin’ Heat
  19. Baggin’ and Gaggin’
  20. Bags of Fury
  21. Toss Me Gently
  22. The Corn Slingers
  23. The Sack Smackers
  24. Throwbocop
  25. Cob Squad
  26. Corn Ninjas
  27. Sack Up or Shut Up
  28. Pitch Please
  29. We Came to Sling
  30. Corny Jokers
  31. Beers and Bags
  32. Maize in Your Face
  33. The Cob Lobbers
  34. Cornhole Kings
  35. Let’s Get Corny
  36. Bagnificent
  37. The Tossing Titans
  38. Droppin’ Bags
  39. Sackology 101
  40. The Cornholes
  41. Bags and Brags
  42. Cob It Like It’s Hot
  43. Baggin’ Champions
  44. The Cornbread Tossers
  45. Mighty Morphin’ Corn Rangers
  46. Husk Hustlers
  47. Tossing Legends
  48. Sack City
  49. Cornhole Crushers
  50. The Shuckaneers
  51. Toss Whisperers
  52. All Corn, No Hole
  53. Baggin’ and Chillin’
  54. The Corn Dogs
  55. The Sack Slayers
  56. Cornhole Champs
  57. The Grand Sackers
  58. Air Mail Kings
  59. The Corn Warriors
  60. The Kernel Killers
  61. The Cob Slobbers
  62. Sacks on Sacks
  63. Straight Outta Cobton
  64. Bags and Bourbon
  65. Sacks of Destiny
  66. Baggin’ Ballers
  67. The Hole Truth
  68. Shuckin’ and Jivin’
  69. The Tossaholics
  70. The Golden Kernels
  71. Slinging Aces
  72. Cornholio’s Crew
  73. Bags & Beers
  74. Corn and Glory
  75. Bagging Outlaws
  76. Buckets and Bags

Motivational Cornhole Team Names:

Sometimes, all you need is a little inspiration to keep those beanbags flying true. These motivational names display confidence and determination, bolstering team spirit:

  1. Toss to Triumph
  2. Baggin’ Believers
  3. Rise & Sling
  4. Victory Vortex
  5. Aim High, Toss Higher
  6. Toss With Purpose
  7. The Unstoppables
  8. Peak Performance Tossers
  9. No Toss Too Big
  10. Aim Masters
  11. Bagging Champions
  12. The Perfect Throwers
  13. Unstoppable Slingers
  14. Cornquest Champions
  15. Toss for Glory
  16. Hole Breakers
  17. Victory Baggers
  18. The Unbaggeatable
  19. Bags of Determination
  20. One Throw at a Time
  21. Dream Big, Toss Bigger
  22. The Comeback Crew
  23. Fearless Throwers
  24. The Bagging Legends
  25. Relentless Ringers
  26. Mind Over Matter
  27. Never Back Down
  28. The Clutch Players
  29. Throw Like a Champion
  30. One Shot, One Victory
  31. The Cornhole Crusaders
  32. Slinging with Spirit
  33. The Determinators
  34. The Precision Tossers
  35. Go Big or Go Home
  36. Winning Attitude
  37. Champions in the Making
  38. The Cornhole Conquerors
  39. No Excuses, Just Tosses
  40. Eyes on the Prize
  41. Legendary Tossers
  42. Unbreakable Bags
  43. The Power Tossers
  44. Hustle & Bags
  45. Stay Focused, Keep Tossing
  46. Precision Over Luck
  47. The Goal Getters
  48. Hard Work, Soft Bags
  49. The Relentless Ringers
  50. The Ultimate Throwers
  51. Baggin’ with Passion
  52. Believe and Bag It
  53. Victory Tossers
  54. Shuck and Strive
  55. Born to Bag
  56. Toss Like You Mean It
  57. Focused Flyers
  58. Championship Corners
  59. Hustle for the Hole
  60. Elite Toss Squad
  61. Grit & Glory
  62. Perfection in the Air
  63. Pursuit of the Perfect Toss
  64. Win or Toss Trying
  65. The Victory Slingers
  66. Keep Calm and Bag On
  67. The Sacrifice Sackers
  68. Go All In
  69. Stronger with Every Toss
  70. Toss Hard, Win Big
  71. Unleash the Corn Power
  72. Winners Never Quit
  73. Nothing but Hole
  74. The Shot Callers
  75. Baggin’ the Dream
  76. Aces in the Hole
  77. Dare to Toss
  78. Fearless Flickers
  79. Breakthrough Baggers
  80. Toss Like a Titan
  81. Sling & Conquer
  82. The Bagging Machine
  83. Shuck Your Limits
  84. Heart of a Champion
  85. The Relentless Tossers
  86. Toss for Greatness
  87. The Focused Flingers
  88. Powerhouse Baggers
  89. Strength in Every Toss
  90. Drive, Toss, Conquer
  91. The Hole Chasers
  92. All In, All Bags
  93. Victory Vibes Only
  94. Relentless Baggers
  95. The Determined Sackers
  96. Bag it & Brag it
  97. Endurance Tossers
  98. Throw With Confidence
  99. Toss Legends
  100. The Power Pack
  101. Cornhole Domination
  102. Sky’s the Limit
  103. The Grand Champions
  104. Zero Excuses, 100% Effort
  105. Nothing But Net (and Hole)
  106. Slinging with Strength
  107. The Inspirational Tossers

Funny Team Names

Funny names are perfect for lightening the mood and showing off your playful side. Here are some laugh-worthy options to get your creative juices flowing:

  1. The Holey Grail
  2. Corn to Be Wild
  3. The Great Cornholios
  4. Shuck Dynasty
  5. The Bean Ballers
  6. Holey Moley
  7. Corn Stars
  8. Toss Me Maybe
  9. Sack to the Future
  10. Baggin’ Rights
  11. Game of Throws
  12. The Holy Sackracers
  13. Kernel Sanders
  14. Baggin’ and Braggin’
  15. Corn in the USA
  16. The Sack Pack
  17. Slinging and Singing
  18. Children of the Cornhole
  19. Maize and Confused
  20. The Corn Stars
  21. Toss Bosses
  22. The Cobfathers
  23. Chucking Amazing
  24. Corn to Run
  25. Torn on Corn
  26. Popped a Cornhole
  27. Shuckin’ and Duckin’
  28. Holy Sack!
  29. All About That Ace
  30. The Hole Enchilada
  31. Huskers Gone Wild
  32. Sweaty Sacks
  33. Airmail Express
  34. Corn Bags & Beers
  35. Toss Me Softly
  36. Sacks on the Beach
  37. Nothing Butt Hole
  38. Flippin’ Cornholes
  39. Shuck It Up!
  40. Bags Deep
  41. The Corn Identity
  42. Hole Patrol
  43. Get in the Hole!
  44. The Cob Bobbers
  45. Ear-Resistible Tossers
  46. Sack Attack
  47. Whole Lotta Holes
  48. Bags of Glory
  49. Cornography
  50. Hole Lotta Love
  51. Sack to Reality
  52. Corn Crackers
  53. You’ve Been Sacked
  54. Huck Dynasty
  55. Corn Nuts
  56. Sack Masters
  57. Toss Me Baby One More Time
  58. Mighty Morphin’ Cornholers
  59. Shuck You!
  60. Tequila Mockingbird
  61. The Cob Kickers
  62. The Husk Hustlers
  63. Tossaholics
  64. Cornado Warning
  65. Shuckers Anonymous
  66. Holy Bags Batman!
  67. A-maize-ing Tossers
  68. Corn Bags & Cold Brews
  69. Board Patrol
  70. Cornhole or Bust
  71. The Maize Runners
  72. Shuck Norris
  73. The Cornadoes
  74. Holes and Goals
  75. Baggin’ & Draggin’
  76. Corn Flakes
  77. Hole in None
  78. Toss This!
  79. Baggin’ Wagon
  80. The Cornbread Mafia
  81. Huck It and Chuck It
  82. Sink or Drink
  83. The Cornhole Kings
  84. The Sack Specialists
  85. Shuckin’ Awesome
  86. Kernel Knowledge
  87. Bags ‘n’ Beers
  88. Holes Before Bros
  89. The Toss Bosses
  90. Bag to the Future
  91. The Cornballers
  92. The Hole Dang Team
  93. Pop Goes the Kernel
  94. Huskin’ Hustlers
  95. Toss Ticklers
  96. Corn on the Bob
  97. Throwin’ Shade
  98. Sack Lunch
  99. The Whole Kernel
  100. Pardon My Cornhole
  101. Board Busters
  102. Gettin’ Corny
  103. The Sack Savages
  104. Husk It and Chuck It
  105. The Hole Shebang
  106. Drop It Like It’s Hot
  107. Shuckin’ Lucky
  108. Toss Your Salad
  109. The Holey Rollers
  110. Grain Expectations

Creative Names:

For those wanting a touch of creativity or originality, these names show that your team is more than just a group of players—you’re a force to reckon with:

  1. Baggin’ Legends
  2. Shuck ‘N’ Toss
  3. The Grain Throwers
  4. Baggin’ Brilliance
  5. Air Maize
  6. Sacksational Squad
  7. High Toss Heroes
  8. Cornphoria
  9. Hole Seekers
  10. Vinyl Sling Kings
  11. The Sacktimus Primes
  12. Maize Craze
  13. The Hole Seekers
  14. Kernels of Power
  15. The Cob Crew
  16. Toss Titans
  17. Baggin’ Aces
  18. Toss Me Tender
  19. Sack Dynasty
  20. Cob Savages
  21. Shuckers & Chuckers
  22. Golden Huskers
  23. The Grain Gang
  24. Hole in One
  25. Cobsy & Co.
  26. The Corn Dawgs
  27. The Popcorn Prophets
  28. Tossologists
  29. The Corn Cobbers
  30. Chuck Norris Bags
  31. The Bag Slayers
  32. Flipping Kernels
  33. Husky Tossers
  34. Cornhole Conquerors
  35. Toss & Triumph
  36. Cob Whisperers
  37. The Corn Kings
  38. The Mighty Huskers
  39. Bags of Tricks
  40. The Corn Tossers
  41. The Corn Tornadoes
  42. Cobstopper Crew
  43. Sack Ninjas
  44. Cornhole Commanders
  45. Bagged & Loaded
  46. Throw & Glow
  47. Kernel Krew
  48. The Sack Bros
  49. Hole Hustlers
  50. Cornmageddon
  51. The Chucking Champs
  52. Bag Slayers
  53. Sack-tastic Squad
  54. Corn Flippers
  55. Toss the Line
  56. Kernel Crushers
  57. Throwbarians
  58. Sling Shot Kings
  59. Toss Talkers
  60. Hole Shot Heroes
  61. Cornhole Cavaliers
  62. The Baggy Legends
  63. Throwing Maize
  64. Cobzilla Crew
  65. Holesome Tossers
  66. Corn in the Clutch
  67. Popcorn Chuckers
  68. Cornhole Generals
  69. The Sack Magicians
  70. Baggin’ Badgers
  71. The Cob Job Squad
  72. Corn Confetti Crew
  73. The Husk Pack
  74. Corn Shuckers
  75. Tossin’ Titans
  76. Baggin’ Warriors
  77. Holesome Hustlers
  78. The Corn Wizards
  79. Tossing Tacticians
  80. The Sack Artists
  81. Cob Kings

Great Names for Your Next Team​:

Want to show off your greatness right on the scoreboard? These team names exude confidence and flair, lighting up the competition before you toss your first bag:

  1. Husker Du
  2. Cornadoes
  3. The Cornhustlers
  4. The Cob Squad
  5. Shuck It and Chuck It
  6. Pitch Perfect
  7. Tossing Titans
  8. Bagging and Sipping
  9. Tossing Thunder
  10. Corn Warriors
  11. Bags & Bourbon
  12. Shuckaneers
  13. Sack Slayers
  14. Baggin’ Titans
  15. Corn Cobs & Robbers
  16. Tossin’ and Flossin’
  17. Cornbread Crushers
  18. Cob Mob
  19. Huck It & Hope
  20. Baggin’ Beasts
  21. Bags of Fun
  22. Bags & Brags
  23. The Corn Stalkers
  24. Bags on Fire
  25. Flippin’ Kernels
  26. Maize Blaze
  27. The Corn Flakes
  28. Toss and Sauce
  29. Bag Daddies
  30. Shuck & Awe
  31. The Cornstars
  32. The Huskers
  33. Slayin’ Sacks
  34. Cornhole Mafia
  35. Toss n’ Boss
  36. Sack Stackers
  37. Bag Chuckers
  38. Sacks Fifth Avenue
  39. Cob Stoppers
  40. Throwing Thunder
  41. Cornhole Carnage

Catchy Names:

Make your team name easy to remember (and maybe chant!) with these catchy options that stick in everyone’s mind:

  1. Baggin’ Bosses
  2. Shuck ‘N’ Score
  3. The Toss Titans
  4. The Corn Commandos
  5. Sack Attackers
  6. Bag Masters
  7. The Corniverse
  8. Heat Seekers
  9. Baggy Legends
  10. Hole Blazers
  11. Bag Life
  12. BullsEye Slingers
  13. Cornholed Again
  14. Kernel Killers
  15. Toss Squad
  16. Corn Slingers
  17. The Baggers
  18. Baggin’ Bandits
  19. Cornhole Crusaders
  20. Toss Up Kings
  21. Baggin’ Bravado
  22. Toss This
  23. Popcorn Poppers
  24. Baggin’ Brigade
  25. Toss-a-holics
  26. Shuck It Up
  27. Holey Rollers
  28. Baggin’ Bucks
  29. Cob Job Squad
  30. Toss Champs
  31. Baggin’ Pros
  32. Sack Squad
  33. The Corny Crew
  34. Toss it Like It’s Hot
  35. Baggin’ Beauts
  36. Cornhole Warriors
  37. The Sack Stars
  38. Toss Masters
  39. Baggin’ Kings
  40. Sack Warriors
  41. Throw Down Kings
  42. Cornado Kings
  43. Sack Pack
  44. The Corn Cobblers
  45. Cornhole Command
  46. The Shuckers
  47. Toss Boss
  48. The Kernel Crushers
  49. Cornhole Cowboys
  50. Hole in Fun

Dirty Cornhole Team Names:

Sometimes you just have to toe the line of good taste and get risqué. Here are some cheeky and slightly inappropriate suggestions for teams that don’t mind pushing boundaries:

  1. Corn Hub
  2. The Big Sacks
  3. Toss My Sack
  4. Shuck My Cornhole
  5. Balls Deep in the Hole
  6. Nice Bags, Bro
  7. Master Cornholers
  8. Sofa Sacks-ers
  9. Hole Lotta Fun
  10. Slick Sacks
  11. The Dirty Beanbags
  12. Fill My Hole!
  13. Fifty Shades of Grain
  14. The Cornholios
  15. Holey Balls
  16. Deep Sacks
  17. Toss Me Off
  18. Baggin’ & Braggin’
  19. Choke on This Sack
  20. Layin’ Pipe & Tossin’ Bags
  21. Damn, That’s Deep!
  22. Sack Me Harder
  23. Cornhole Gigolos
  24. Hard Corn
  25. Tight Holes & Loose Sacks
  26. Just the Tip… of the Bag
  27. Drillin’ the Hole
  28. Nice Sack, Wanna See Mine?
  29. Double Stuffed Sacks
  30. Tossin’ Our Sacks Around
  31. Big Sack Energy
  32. Slippery Sacks
  33. The Deep Tossers
  34. Teabaggers Anonymous
  35. Sacks Out for Summer
  36. Corn in the Rear
  37. Slide It In
  38. Two Girls One Sack
  39. Stuff My Hole
  40. Wrecking Sacks
  41. Big Bag Theory
  42. Toss Me Like You Mean It
  43. Bag & Gag
  44. Cornhole Commandos
  45. All Up in the Hole
  46. Slide to the Back Door
  47. Swallow My Sack
  48. Corn Porn
  49. Airmail That Sack
  50. Sack Blasters
  51. No Gag Reflex
  52. Take It to the Hole
  53. Corn on the Knob
  54. The Glory Holes
  55. Suck My Sack
  56. Corn Stalkers
  57. Toss & Blow
  58. Bag It Like Beckham
  59. Girthy Tossers
  60. Toss ‘n’ Lick
  61. Sacks & Racks
  62. Going Deep
  63. Finger the Hole
  64. Hard Sack Life
  65. Blowin’ Cornholes
  66. One Hole Wonder
  67. Bag ‘Em & Tag ‘Em
  68. Spread ‘Em & Toss
  69. Corn to Be Wild & Dirty
  70. Nothin’ But Sack
  71. Slide It In Gently
  72. Oiled Up & Tossin’
  73. Toss & Tickle
  74. Sack-a-licious
  75. The Moist Tossers
  76. Nice Toss, Wanna F*?**
  77. Balls & Holes
  78. Slingin’ Sacks & Smackin’ Ass
  79. The Spicy Tossers
  80. Fill My Hole
  81. Two Sacks, One Hole
  82. Big Corn Energy
  83. Floppy Sacks
  84. Rough Tossers
  85. Stuffin’ Holes Since ‘99
  86. Corn-Filled Glory
  87. Tight Corn, Loose Sacks
  88. Sack Slammers
  89. Cornhole Bandits
  90. Get Sack’d
  91. Cornstars & Holes
  92. The Full Sack
  93. Balls in Your Face
  94. Sacks & Spankings
  95. Bag Slappers
  96. Cornhole Addicts
  97. Stuff That Hole
  98. Slappin’ Sacks
  99. Goin’ Balls Deep
  100. Slingin’ Sacks & Drinkin’ Jack
  101. Bustin’ Corn in Your Hole
  102. Lick the Sack, Toss the Bag
  103. Corn in Your Crack
  104. Jiggle My Sack
  105. Hard & Fast Tossers
  106. The Sack Ninjas
  107. Stuff It, Chuck It, Cornhole!
  108. Big Toss Energy

Girls Team Names​:

Ladies throwing beanbags know how to slay, and these team names will make sure no one forgets it. Whether fun, fierce, or fabulous, these are all about girl power:

  1. Sassy Sackers
  2. Baggin’ Babes
  3. Corn Queens
  4. The Sack Sisters
  5. Tossing Divas
  6. The Hole-y Chicks
  7. Corn Dollz
  8. Hole Divas
  9. The Bag Ladies
  10. Pretty Little Baggers
  11. Toss Belles
  12. Sack Attack Sisters
  13. Beanbag Babes
  14. Wonder Women Tossers
  15. The Hole Hustlers
  16. Sweet Sacks
  17. Slay & Play
  18. Throwing Beauties
  19. Holey Hustlers
  20. The Tossing Tiaras
  21. Cornhole Cuties
  22. Fierce & Flawless
  23. The Baggin’ Belles
  24. The Cob Queens
  25. Cornhole Chicks
  26. Queen of the Hole
  27. The Hole Hearted
  28. The Sack Dolls
  29. Corn Charmers
  30. The Maize Mavens
  31. Bagging Bombshells
  32. Toss Like a Girl
  33. The Glam Tossers
  34. Sling Sisters
  35. Cornhole Queens
  36. The Sack Sorority
  37. Throw Her Way
  38. Pink Huskers
  39. Cornhole Darlings
  40. The Toss Tacticians
  41. Corn Starlets
  42. The Sweet Spot
  43. Toss & Tiaras
  44. Throw Belle Throw
  45. The Sack Squad
  46. Cornhole Divas
  47. The Tossing Bombs
  48. Girls Got Game
  49. Toss Boss Babes
  50. The Queen’s Toss
  51. Bag Ladies Unite
  52. Sack it Up, Sisters
  53. Girls Just Wanna Throw
  54. Cornhole Princesses
  55. Bagged & Beautiful
  56. The Golden Girls
  57. Lady Tossers
  58. Hole-y Queens
  59. Shuck & Slay
  60. The Fabulous Flippers
  61. Tossing Trailblazers
  62. Corn Chicks Rule
  63. She Tosses, She Scores
  64. The Sack Goddesses
  65. Kernels & Kisses
  66. Cornhole Champions
  67. Boss Babes Baggin’
  68. The Holey Hotties
  69. Cornhole Sweethearts
  70. Bag Queens
  71. Sassy Tossers
  72. Corn Angels
  73. Baggin’ Mermaids
  74. The Fierce Flippers
  75. The Huskers Gals
  76. Corn Squad Goals
  77. Sling & Sparkle
  78. Baggin’ Beauties
  79. Girls with Game
  80. Shuckin’ Divas
  81. Throwing Like a Boss
  82. Corn Cuties
  83. The Tossing Trendsetters
  84. Sack Sensations
  85. The Throw Babes
  86. Pink Power Tossers
  87. Corn Chicks Click
  88. Tossing Queens
  89. Bags Before Brags
  90. Sassy Sack Squad
  91. Corn & Confetti
  92. Girls with Bags
  93. Cornhole Crown Holders
  94. Pretty in Toss
  95. Throw Glitter, Not Shade
  96. Bags & Bows
  97. Tossing Beauties
  98. Dazzling Dodgers
  99. The Corn Cuties
  100. Baggin’ Babes Only
  101. Cornstar Princesses
  102. Boss Toss Babes
  103. Hole-y Queens of Corn
  104. Toss Like a Queen
  105. Cornhole Couture
  106. Dames with Game
  107. The Tossed Tiaras
  108. Bags & Bling

Clever Cornhole Team Names:

Sometimes, a pun or sharp wit can make your name truly clever. These names are wordplay gold and guaranteed to earn a few chuckles:

  1. Huskers & Chuckers
  2. Bag to the Bone
  3. Air Mail Express
  4. Shuck ‘N’ Awe
  5. Corn on the Run
  6. The Cornfederates
  7. Uncornventional Tossers
  8. Aerosnack
  9. Sack Sabbath
  10. The Big Lebagksi
  11. Corny AF
  12. Board Certified
  13. Kernel of Truth
  14. Lord of the Bags
  15. Toss-imony
  16. Kernal Knowledge
  17. The Hole-y Grail
  18. Chuck Norris Approved
  19. Sacks Appeal
  20. Toss the Boss
  21. Toss and Found
  22. All About That Grain
  23. Corn Husk Warriors
  24. The Cob Mob
  25. Baggin’ & Taggin’
  26. Slingin’ Aces
  27. Sackosaurus Rex
  28. Bags of Destiny
  29. The Corn Crusaders
  30. Baggin’ Dragons
  31. Kernels of Wisdom
  32. Shuck It & Chuck It
  33. Toss Force
  34. Sack Street Boys
  35. Cornivore Crew
  36. The Corn Fathers
  37. Straight Outta Cornfield
  38. Cornbread & Butter
  39. Sackety-Sack
  40. The Corn Hustlers
  41. Sack Exchange
  42. Toss-ology Experts
  43. Husky Hustlers
  44. The Corn Whisperers
  45. Bags of Steel
  46. Husker Du?
  47. Throwin’ Cobbs
  48. Toss-a-saurus Rex
  49. Hole-y Moley
  50. Tossin’ Thunder
  51. Cob Dusters
  52. Cornception
  53. The Tossing Taters
  54. Corny Crusaders
  55. The Sack Masters
  56. Huskin’ & Chuckin’
  57. The Popcorn Chuckers
  58. Bags Over Bragging
  59. Shuck Buddies
  60. Cobzilla
  61. Throwbama Bin Laden
  62. Maize & Confused
  63. The Husk Hounds
  64. Bags Gone Wild
  65. Chucking Champions
  66. Throwfessionals
  67. Sack Up & Toss


The best cornhole team names​ can add a lot more to your game, whether you are playing in a local tournament or simply tossing bags for leisure at a barbecue. The names listed here do everything from making you laugh as well as others to being a clever pun or motivational saying. There is something for every team.

Now it’s your turn—pick the name that fits your crew best and get out there to claim those bagging rights!
And if you’re organizing a cornhole tournament, don’t forget to share this list with players for some extra inspiration.

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